2020.12.16Got an amazing package today in the mail from Waldemar of Morbid Chapel Records. This is one of the truly old-school dudes with real integrity and fire for the underground. You don't get that often now with all of the fakes and corporate whores on every corner. Check out the label when you can!
2020.12.14Discovered today that Tyranny from China, interviewed in issue 9, released a new collaboration EP with the Silent Elegy vocalist. If you are as much a weakling for Asian melodic metal and vocals as we are, you will agree that it is beautiful. Listen to it here 枉凝眉 , and check out the entire Coldwoods roster while you are at it, particularly Holyarrow and Rerthro!
2020.12.13Added some of my art to the gallery page, including a few images unpublished in early Convivial Hermit issues. A lot of this stuff is old, outside of the Nietzsche Hummer, which is dedicated to Justin Ward, wherever he is. BTW, a big thank you to Joe at Digital Ferret again (I can't thank him enough) for the recent restock in downtown Philly!
2020.12.01Siren Records in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, is now stocking copies of Convivial Hermit #9. Siren is a great store in a nice town that demands a visit if you are ever in the area, about an hour drive from downtown Philadelphia, just across from the great County Theater which will hopefully open again next year. Thanks to the owner, Blair, who has supported our work for many years. You will not be forgotten in the halls of our eternal march to glory.
2020.12.14Discovered today that Tyranny from China, interviewed in issue 9, released a new collaboration EP with the Silent Elegy vocalist. If you are as much a weakling for Asian melodic metal and vocals as we are, you will agree that it is beautiful. Listen to it here 枉凝眉 , and check out the entire Coldwoods roster while you are at it, particularly Holyarrow and Rerthro!
2020.12.13Added some of my art to the gallery page, including a few images unpublished in early Convivial Hermit issues. A lot of this stuff is old, outside of the Nietzsche Hummer, which is dedicated to Justin Ward, wherever he is. BTW, a big thank you to Joe at Digital Ferret again (I can't thank him enough) for the recent restock in downtown Philly!
2020.12.01Siren Records in Doylestown, Pennsylvania, is now stocking copies of Convivial Hermit #9. Siren is a great store in a nice town that demands a visit if you are ever in the area, about an hour drive from downtown Philadelphia, just across from the great County Theater which will hopefully open again next year. Thanks to the owner, Blair, who has supported our work for many years. You will not be forgotten in the halls of our eternal march to glory.
2020.11.26Our old friend Scott of Symbel and Bretwaldas of Heathen Doom has decided to interview Convivial Hermit. Read the full interview at Old Man's Mettle.
2020.11.25Today visited the Cave of Kelpius in Philadelphia, the so-called Hermit's Cave where a group of doomsday cultists supposedly congregated in the late 17th century. I'll be writing about it in an article in the next issue.
2020.11.25Today visited the Cave of Kelpius in Philadelphia, the so-called Hermit's Cave where a group of doomsday cultists supposedly congregated in the late 17th century. I'll be writing about it in an article in the next issue.
2020.11.22Feeling unusually misanthropic... even more misanthropic than I usually am, at the tail end of this weekend. Bouvet Island and Tristan da Cunha seem particularly charming right now. But while my dream of ending my contact with civilization will probably not come to pass today, this weekend, or indeed ever, we have some good news: Black and Read in Colorado will soon be stocking the 9th issue of Convivial Hermit. Thank you to Kari and Derek for their investment in what will prove to be an ingenious addition to their stock portfolio. Owen, I will reach out to you when it is there. Finally the redemption is in sight.
2020.11.12For readers in New Zealand, Convivial Hermit #9 is now being distributed domestically in Centennial Conflict. Thanks, Ross!
2020.11.07Hells Headbangers is finally stocking Convivial Hermit #9, find it here. This one we were unsure of for a long time as there are some really, really obnoxious and unfriendly people working in their warehouse (by the name of Justin, watch out for this prick if you talk to anyone there). Not sure if we will work with HH in the future for this reason but it's in stock there now for anyone interested.
2020.11.02On this fearful day we are proud to announce that Convivial Hermit #9 is now available officially in France from Dead Seed Productions. Please check it out: http://store.deadseedproductions.com/products/683446-the-convivial-hermit-issue-9-en?fbclid=IwAR3irx5GdIhx86ac8dkifNOk-IRYe1EFJ9TlnixYDpY4WmQGitG-ZYTVy1g
2020.11.02A pair of good news today. After a long wait Convivial Hermit #9 is now officially available for worldwide distribution from our fine-feathered friends at Bleeding Heart Nihilist Productions! You can find it here: https://www.bleedingheartnihilist.de/books/de/shop/fanz . Also, Cult Never Dies has received copies and is now ready to spread the gospel in and around the British isles: https://cultneverdies.myshopify.com/collections/fanzines-magazines/products/the-convivial-hermit-issue-9-underground-metal-and-culture-publication
2020.10.30Sound Exchange in Houston Texas is now stocking issue 9! Thanks to Kurt and others for their support of our strange scribblings!
2020.10.12Issue 9 is now stocked at Noise Pollution Records in downtown Philadelphia. We send our best wishes to Jack who is undergoing chemo for cancer and thank him for his support.
2020.10.10#1 We're pleased to announce that Dayal Patterson of the mighty Cult Never Dies has decided to work with Convivial Hermit Magazine and will be stocking the new issue in his distribution later this month. Please find updates here: http://www.cultneverdies.com/
#2 If anyone has been wondering about the missing Infernal Curse interview, we've uploaded a link to it here - Infernal Curse Interview TCH9 and are working on printing up the pages professionally and including them as an insert in future mailings. We apologize to this great unholy band and anyone who was paying attention!
2020.09.27Read an old interview with me conducted by our friend Brad of Nocturnal Cult Magazine here: http://www.nocturnalcult.com/Convivialhermitint.htm
2020.09.26Thanks to Joe and Chris at Digital Ferret in downtown Philadelphia Convivial Hermit #9 is now being stocked in the store. If you're in the area, put on your mask, down a bottle of Chlorox and get over there!
#2 If anyone has been wondering about the missing Infernal Curse interview, we've uploaded a link to it here - Infernal Curse Interview TCH9 and are working on printing up the pages professionally and including them as an insert in future mailings. We apologize to this great unholy band and anyone who was paying attention!
2020.09.27Read an old interview with me conducted by our friend Brad of Nocturnal Cult Magazine here: http://www.nocturnalcult.com/Convivialhermitint.htm
2020.09.26Thanks to Joe and Chris at Digital Ferret in downtown Philadelphia Convivial Hermit #9 is now being stocked in the store. If you're in the area, put on your mask, down a bottle of Chlorox and get over there!
2020.09.25New issue now available in the USA for 12 bucks!
Includes shipping, free color poster and a bonus booklet with reviews and more weirdness! Overseas ordering coming soon via Bleeding Heart Nihilist Productions. It may still be possible to order in other countries, just pricey. Get in touch!
2020.09.22Final copies of issue #9 will be retrieved from the print shop this week! American customers will be able to order through me directly very soon. Orders from other countries will unfortunately have to wait a bit longer as I get issues over to my distributors abroad. We have many issues we're dealing with.
2020.09.21Remember to practice antisocial distancing.
2020.09.17First version of website launched. Welcome to this solitary kingdom.
Includes shipping, free color poster and a bonus booklet with reviews and more weirdness! Overseas ordering coming soon via Bleeding Heart Nihilist Productions. It may still be possible to order in other countries, just pricey. Get in touch!
2020.09.22Final copies of issue #9 will be retrieved from the print shop this week! American customers will be able to order through me directly very soon. Orders from other countries will unfortunately have to wait a bit longer as I get issues over to my distributors abroad. We have many issues we're dealing with.
2020.09.21Remember to practice antisocial distancing.
2020.09.17First version of website launched. Welcome to this solitary kingdom.