Season of Mist will be restocking Ethere #1 and Convivial Hermit #10 soon.  Also Terror From Hell in Italy should now be stocking the zine!  Although I do not see it in their store here. Will keep everyone posted but if you are in Italy and would like to order, please reach out to the label owner Stefano.

An update on stock: I have counted and am down to a bit over a dozen copies of Ethere #1 left - which surprises me as I thought I had more.  Really appreciate everyone's support. 

Last update for today: I am heading into the unknown this year with a new job that I am starting next week, but if everything goes well, Ethere #2 may become a reality later on in 2025.

Ethere #1 and Convivial Hermit #10 are now in stock at the Princeton Record Exchange (www.prex.com), "one of the leading independent record stores in the world" in Princeton, New Jersey by the campus of Princeton University! Check it out next time you are there! It should be on the racks in the next few days.

I just realized I was still writing 2024 all throughout this section.  It's been a tough year, that's my excuse.  I just updated the sales list with some new CDs and classic black metal vinyl, please check it out.

Copies of Convivial Hermit #10 and Ethere #1 have been sent to Werewolf Promotion (Poland) and Drakkar (France).  I'll post the news when they are available to order from these distros!

New interview with Full of Hell now up in the interview section.  Click on the tab above or navigate here.  Thanks to Ray Clardy for his contribution.  Anyone who wants their interviews published online, contact me and I will see what I can do!

Happy Belated New Year to all!

I have been slow to post up anything new since I recently was punched hard with one of the worst colds I've had in years, and this is on top of other persisting health problems.  But I am starting to get past this completely brutal cold.  Here is my advice to everyone: get the flu and Covid shot wherever you live.  I can't believe it's controversial to say this.  I have big regrets for not immunizing myself last year, it's just not worth the suffering.

I have a few conversations in the process now to expand European distribution, I will write more about them soon!

As always back issues of Convivial Hermit are still available including #10 using Zelle or Paypal.  Write to me here if any questions.  You can also order Ethere #1 through myself or one of my distributors here.  Thanks!